Obama backed the horrendous Trans Pacific Partnership.
Trump has just killed it.
The Teamsters and other union leaders – traditionally a solid part of the Democratic base, who endorsed Hillary Clinton – praised Trump for driving a stake in the heart of the corporatist power grab (which would have destroyed privacy and the ability of signatory nations’ to follow their peoples’ wishes) … and had an “excellent” meeting with Trump today on labor issues.
Bernie Sanders praised Trump for stopping TPP, and said he’d work with Trump on trade.
Other Democrats in Congress are praising Trump’s move, as well.
Note: One of the main campaigners against the TPP (Public Citizen’s Lori Wallach) noted shortly after Trump won the election:
The election of Donald Trump did not kill the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP).
But the Obama administration’s relentless push for the TPP did help elect Trump.
Did we have to get to this to end the era of smug Democratic and Republican political elites scoffing at the notion that trade is a salient political issue — and relentlessly pushing more of the same policies to the detriment of a voting bloc otherwise known as a majority of our fellow Americans?
Trump Kills TPP … Wins Praise of Bernie Sanders, Labor Leaders and Other Progressives was originally published on Washington's Blog